
【人間菩提】20150504 - 以智導行濟災民

同理悲心起行動   克服萬難救傷患   點滴匯聚大力量    因法啟慧報佛恩 






雨季來臨前 搭大帳篷安身

有緊急狀況 醫師即刻救援


【尼泊爾地震 災區見聞】帳篷外難得悠閒

【尼泊爾地震 即時快訊】第一梯賑災醫療團七成員 踏上返途
【尼泊爾地震 訊息短波】
藏傳佛教嘉旺竹巴法王(Gyalwang Drukpa)在尼泊爾創立的天龍喜悅輪尼院(Druk Gawa Khilwa Abbey),這次尼泊爾地震中,院裡的建築受到損害,四百多位比丘尼暫時住在臨時搭建的狹窄帳蓬裡,得知慈濟有提供帳蓬,兩位法師特地前來慈濟設置的臨時據點領取帳蓬。


【尼泊爾山區小村 帳棚醫療站 】


小志工街頭穿梭 募愛飄洋送尼國




慈濟志工 林清合,:「幫助尼泊爾的大地震,希望各位能幫助他們,早日重建他們的家園,可以看到的,走到的、聽到的,我們可以做到,就是在這個團體裡面,就是要盡量來付出。」 


志工 帕貝詩,:「尼泊爾有我的家人,我爸爸跟媽媽的家人,很感謝大家都平安,不過有千萬人受到影響,我知道的是六千多人死亡,一萬一千多人受傷,我心裡感到很難受。」 

點滴累積聚善念 愛心啟動援尼國


證嚴 上人開示,:「許許多多克難式的診療都是很辛苦,好在當地也有醫生也願意出來帶路、陪伴等等,醫界的這樣的友情能接力牽連起來,這種的擴大愛拉長情結合了當地醫療護理來幫助,真的實在是因緣不可思議。」 


證嚴 上人開示,:「看到愛心人也很多,非常感恩佛教界的,法師們也在支持,這都是愛的鼓勵,也是愛的能量,真的非常的感恩,救人的人就是(有)福,能去救援,別人的國家有困難,造福人間才是我們的福,有福的地方就是平安健康。」 

首梯先遣團返台 愛與關懷永流傳
慈濟賑災醫療團,第一梯先遣團,在返台之前,也把十多箱的醫療器材 捐贈給當地醫院 以及肺結核 愛滋中心。 


結核病中心主任 畢卡須拉米全:「我想這是一個感傷的時刻, 我們真的很感謝。」 

同樣的,在巴塔普癌症醫院,慈濟醫療團也捐贈了十箱醫材,院長牛巴尼特別感恩,為團員親自披上象徵純潔吉祥的哈達。 巴塔普癌症醫院院長 牛巴尼:「 多留在這尼泊爾, 非常感謝你們台灣來的客人, 這次危難之刻,你們幫助很大。」 

慈濟第一梯醫療團不論是義診、開刀,在偏僻山區、或義診醫療站,都與當地醫護跟志工建立起深厚友誼。 尼泊爾護理師 沙必塔:「我們非常高興看到, 你們來到這裡幫助我們。」 

尼泊爾護理師 尤佳那:「 我們真的很高興, 非常感謝你們。」尼泊爾護理師:「 我盡我的所能,試著來幫助大家。」 

慈濟賑災醫療團副團長 趙有誠:「 很歡喜有旁邊的護理同仁, 也一起來幫我們。」 

尼泊爾醫師 夏卡亞:「現在尼泊爾最需要的東西, 就是這樣, 我們很歡迎你們來, 我們也高興你們來這裡幫忙。」 

尼泊爾醫師 什雷斯塔:「你們遠從台灣來,與我們在一起幫助我們,真的謝謝你們謝謝你們的幫忙 。」 
慈濟賑災醫療團團長 簡守信:「 這一分同樣來自全世界各地, 尤其是台灣來的愛心,可以落實在這個地方。」 

藏傳佛學院半毀 關懷逾四百法師


慈濟賑災醫療團團員 陳濟任:「目前為止,有將近四百多位的比丘尼,他們都住在外面的空地上面,他們自己搭成的很小的帳棚,他們也非常的客氣,只有需要五頂(帳棚),這五頂的帳棚基本上可以容納,每一頂40個人在裡面。」 

震後心急返家鄉 與妻女相隔兩地

他,是賴達邁,強震發生後,就焦急的從美國,回到故鄉尼泊爾,跟著災民搬磚頭,重建家園。 她,是賴達邁的太太,留在美國加州,帶著女兒上街頭,募更多人的愛。 
慈濟志工 簡秀宇:「一直到昨天(5/2), 我才接到他(賴達邁)的電話, 我想他到那邊也很忙, 就馬上投入救災 去勘災, 所以一直到昨天, 才有接到他的電話, 知道說 他的狀況都OK, 其實我也不太擔心, 因為他跟著大家去, 所以我不擔心。」 


捐款民眾:「對慈濟比較有信心, 因為款項就不會跑到別的地方, 一定會用到應該到的地方。」 
捐款民眾:「我們很關心尼泊爾災情, 也想幫一點忙, 我也希望兒子能知道, 世界上發生哪些大事, 明白有些人正在經歷苦難, 也學會如何幫助別人。」 

慈濟志工 與 市集攤商:「 謝謝 謝謝您的愛心。」 

「請幫助尼泊爾 尼泊爾的小朋友 加油 加油!」
震後生活大不易 起居需依溪而作

帳棚區居民 賽瑪拉 :「我家在地震的時候倒了, 現在沒有自來水, 沒辦法洗澡 洗衣服, 大家只好到這裡洗, 這裡的水還算乾淨。」 

帳棚區居民 卡瑪:「房子倒了, 我的衣服 被弄得比較髒, 所以它先弄乾淨 再收回去。」 

震後11天生還渺茫 宣告搜救停止
瓦礫堆中幸運脫困 兩度逃過震災
青壯人口外流 地震折損不勝唏噓
帳棚搭起友善中心 災童心靈復健
慈濟援尼泊爾 列世衛醫療名單



《慈善醫療愛接力 合和互協盡本分》  5月5日(星期二)2015
慈濟賑災醫療團團員 張濟舵:「我們看到很多大人、小孩,就開始在那邊踢足球,然後打羽毛球,所以可以顯現,因為這樣的一個改變,有一個比以前用塑膠布遮蓋成為帳棚這樣的環境更好。」
慈濟賑災醫療團團長 簡瑞騰:「把我們從印尼接收過來的一些骨材醫材,致贈給當地的衛生機關、主管機關,簡(守信)院長跟趙(有誠)院長,也跟當地的癌症中心的院長之間建立了非常好的默契,以後還有很多合作的空間,這也是除了協助手術之外,另外一項收穫。」
證嚴上人開示:「前方很努力,後方的各位菩薩們也很盡心力,但願我們這一步醫療道路,為了苦難眾生 步步難行,可是也步步踏實,人人都走得非常的穩當,未來的應該是醫療的道路,會幫助更大,感恩、感恩大家用心用愛,鋪出了這一條康莊大道。」
《文:陳信羽 劉泓志 花蓮報導 (2015.05.05);照片:擷取自「大愛新聞」畫面》感恩!


Tzu Chi’s Earthquake Response in Nepal, April 28 - May 4th

Tzu Chi’s first team of volunteers and medical professionals landed in Kathmandu on April 28th, 2015, bringing along with them over 1 ton of medical supplies for over 1,000 people, assessing needs and preparing for medical outreaches; and in their needs assessment at the Madhyapur Hospital, they found that one of the highest needs is the increasing lack of medical supplies, most notably supplies for bone fractures, which aligned with the ACAPS briefing report, stating that “80% of patients admitted were cases of fractured limbs.” From these reports and assess-ments, Tzu Chi’s second relief team, which added 5 more doctors, totaling a team of 9 physi-cians, with volunteers experienced disaster relief and response missions as well, brought with them, among other non-medical relief materials, bone surgical equipment such as manual bone drillers, 60 bone plates, 760 medical screws, and other medical materials.

Continuing from the immediate Earthquake response and the subsequent assessment of needs and provision of relief materials and medical aid, which, until May 2nd, has seen more than 200 successful surgeries for patients who have suffered from bone fractures, as well as the arrival of 2,123 boxes of supplies, of which included 11,270 Tzu Chi eco-blankets made from recycled plastic bottles and 7 tons of Tzu Chi’s “Jing-Si” rice, or dehydrated rice ready to use with the ad-dition of water, enough to provide a hot meal for over 70,000 individuals. Alongside this ship-ment, another shipment from Tzu Chi’s Indonesia branch has shipped over 13 tons of materials, including water purifiers, plastic tarps, folding beds, and additional medical supplies, all of which were delivered into the city of Kathmandu by the Indonesian Air Force.

The stated materials, as identified by the United Nations’ activated clusters, are of high priority and can be versatile enough for future usage, e.g., the plastic tarps for temporary shelter, shel-ter repairs, and other usages. In addition to the Cluster organizations’ assessment of needs, the ACAP briefing report states that an estimated of 4.2 million are in need of water, sanitation and hygiene support (WASH), and more than 70,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 600,000 homes are in need of repair; and in terms of food security, OCHA has estimated that 1.4 million people in need of immediate food aid, while the Food Security Cluster has estimated that 3.5 million people will need food assistance throughout the response period and into the recovery period. It is based upon these assessments and findings that Tzu Chi has delivered the stated materials, all the while preparing for future shipments and distributions.

As stated, medical and non-medical relief material arrived on May 2nd, with more arriving in the near future, in Kathmandu and surrounding villages and communities, and are being gradually distributed with the help of the local community, most notably the faith leaders. Moreover, Tzu Chi volunteers are working with local community leaders to plan the first major distribution of the relief materials; and by working with local community leaders and faith groups, Tzu Chi has been able to reach remote locations for medical outreaches, humanitarian support, needs as-sessments, and general aid.

One such example where Tzu Chi medical and non-medical volunteers have reached a remote village through the help and request of local faith leaders is in Tatopani, a village in the Sind-hupalchok District in the Bagmati Zone of Central Nepal. On May 3rd, Tzu Chi volunteer doctors were requested by faith practitioners in Tatopani to provide outpatient care to the village and to the faith practitioners as they had no access to medical care and needed to develop the capacity to deal with infection, diseases, and injuries. Since May 3rd, Tzu Chi’s medical team provided medical care to more than 1000 outpatients.

On May 4th, the shipment of relief materials from Tzu Chi’s Indonesia branch shipped by the Indonesian Air Force was utilized and partially distributed. The Tzu Chi volunteers from Indonesia recruited local community members affected by the earthquake to help with set up and distributions; with their help, a total of 5 tents were set up, each tent nearly 24 square meters. The tents, and future tents, will provide much needed shelter from the upcoming rainy season in Ne-pal; and in addition to shelter, the tents will also have temporary toilets for people to use. Just as Tzu Chi’s disaster relief team was setting up the tent and planning major distributions in the near future, the medical team was providing support as well; the team provided outpatient care at Shree Ganesha Secondary School, a governmental school in Bhimkhori-8, Shikharpur, Kavre and used as a temporary site for medical outreaches to impacted residents who did not have access to hospitals and clinics.

Tzu Chi Foundation:

Copyright ©Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation. All Rights Reserved
Tzu Chi Provides Bone Surgery in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Written by Tzu Chi Foundation
Sunday, 03 May 2015 17:38

After traveling thousands of kilometres on airplanes, the second Tzu Chi Relief and Medical team arrived in Kathmandu at 1 A.M. on May 2. They joined the first group. At six in the morning, the doctors got up and prepared to set up medical posts at three locations in Bhaktapur, one of the areas most badly hit by the devastating earthquake in Nepal. They are providing both surgical and internal medicine treatment at the stations. In particular, the doctors plan to perform surgery on as many as 200 patients who have suffered bone fracture, at the Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital.

On April 28, the first Tzu Chi Relief and Medical Team arrived in Nepal, bringing one tonne of medical materials, enough for 1,000 patients. On April 29, the team successfully obtained permission to perform medical services from the Ministry of Health and Population. Immediately they started care and medical operations. In the past few days, Dr. Chien Sou-hsin and Dr. Chao You-chen, superintendents of the Taichung and Taipei Tzu Chi Hospitals respectively, started their first clinic service – in tents. With just two classroom tables and chairs, they cleaned lesions and sewed wounds of the quake victims.

Noticing that a great number of victims suffer from bone fractures, Dr. Chao sent X-ray images of them through LINE back to doctors at the Taiwan Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, so that they could prepare the needed materials for bone surgery. The second Relief and Medical Team brought these materials with them. It consists of four orthopaedic doctors -- Dr. Chien Jui-teng, assistant superintendent of Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, and Dr. Pan Yung-Chien, superintendent of Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, as well as Dr. Tseng Hsiao-tsu, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, and Dr. Liu Kuan-lin, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. There is also an anesthetist, Dr. Lin Chang-hung from Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital.

By the time the second team arrived in Nepal, it was already an hour past midnight on May 2. Yet, at 6 am, the team was ready and set off immediately to three locations in Bhaktapur -- the Bhaktapur Hospital Emergency Block, the Bhaktapur Hospital and the Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital. They began their service at 7 am. Dr. Chien Jui-teng led the group at the cancer hospital; having brought with them bone surgical equipment like manual bone drillers, 60 bone plates, 760 medical screws and other medical materials, they operated tirelessly from eight in the morning until eight in the evening. Knowing that there are as many as 200 bone fracture victims in the vicinity in urgent need of surgery, all the doctors put their heart into the work,hoping to ease the pain that has tormented the victims these past days.

At the same time, the relief team is exploring the option of purchasing relief goods from local sources. In addition, the "humanitarian relief" chartered plane provided by the Indonesian military that carried instant rice, tents and foldable beds has arrived in Nepal. The team is looking for suitable locations to hold the relief distributions as well as what materials the people need.

By Tzu Chi Foundation, 2015/05/02
Drukpa Taiwan 天龍 竹巴 台灣

Live to Love國際基金會在賢達社區委員會的協助之下,安排了直升機護送了五位尼師到加德滿都,接受慈濟基金會醫生及志工的緊急醫藥治療。部份受傷者為竹巴傳承最卓越的大瑜伽士之一,前一世賢達仁波切的尼眾弟子。這裡在地震前有300位尼師決心用畢生修行、終身閉關,這次所有閉關房卻毀於尼泊爾的大地震之中。由嘉旺竹巴法王所創立的Live to Love國際人道救援基金會,已先行捐助了500萬尼泊爾盧比,協助下階段與賢達夏竹委員會共同合作的重建工作。

Live To Love International
JUST IN: Helicopter medical rescue deployed. Live to Love volunteers and collaborators from Sengdrak Shabchu Committeee have just airlifted several women out of several collapsed buildings in Tatopani, Nepal - one of the most remote and worst-hit areas of the Sindupalchok region. Immense casualties reported from the ground. Several trapped under rubble for days, now suffering head and bone injuries. Victims were airlifted to Boudhanath in Kathmandu to receive immediate medical attention from Tzu Chi Foundation doctors and volunteers. The extreme damage from last week's 7.9 earthquake still largely unaccounted for in the remote regions of Nepal, where help is badly needed.
In light of the devastation and lack of humanitarian support in Tatopani, Live to Love is sending a preliminary donation of NPR5million (about $50k USD) to the next phase of aid and rebuilding the area with the Sengdrak Shabchu Committee.



